So, I've decided not to move. Well, to clarify I've been given a couple of projects in Charlotte and I'm going to be spending quite a bit of time there each week. So moving just to travel back seemed pointless. The company has suggested that I keep my place in Charlotte and find a suitable place in Raleigh as well. We have yet to hammer out the details but it's looking like I will have two places and they will pay for one. I started thinking about how it'd be easiest to have two sets of toiletries and different clothes at each place. I'll be leading a double life.
It's not that I'm opposed to leading a double life per se. It might actually be easier than lugging stuff around all the time as I travel. I've been traveling so much for work and so often for the past few years that I yearn to feel settled. Maybe it will help to have two places to call home. It might also be helpful to have two places to try different decorating ideas out, it will make it easier to decide what I really like. But, it also got me thinking about the darker side of a double life. The ways in which one who travels often can become two different people and how that can be so tempting. How you can reinvent yourself in each location. You can have different relationships - seeking out in one city that which you do not get in the other. That's what a new place is, a chance to start over, to begin again. In theory each day is a new beginning but it's much easier to become whomever you want to be if you are in a new locale. It's like leaving the past, your past and all it's baggage, at the doorstep - or at the city limits.
The major drawback to me really leading a double life is I already have established connections in both cities. It's not like I'm getting to live in two new places or in cities that are a plane ride away. And I'm not really sure I'm cut out to be deceptive - I can't even play poker because I'm too expressive with what I think and feel. But sometimes it's nice to daydream.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
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