Monday, March 17, 2008


I quit my job today. I officially turned in my notice. They accepted my resignation with some hesitation but it appears they will let me work out my almost two weeks. I have a couple vacation days due to me and I was planning on taking off for my birthday anyway so I made my last day March 26, 2008. They're seemingly on board with my working until then.

Not to worry I have a new job lined up and ready to go. I won't start it until mid-April though. I need sometime to get my house back in order. I don't mean that figuratively either. I have a few things I'd like to do around the homestead and I've been unable to since I've been living like a nomad.

I'll update more as it gets closer. There should be lots more updates from here on. As it looks like I will have more free time for reading, writing, blogging, and general merriment. I am tired of working all the time and quitting this job is step one on the road to a less stress life.

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